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  5. Many hierarchs of the Greek Church do not accept the PCU – Greek mass media

Many hierarchs of the Greek Church do not accept the PCU – Greek mass media

The Greek ecclesiastical publication ΒΗΜΑ ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΙΑΣ published an article analyzing the attitude of the Greek Orthodox Church to the Ukrainian church issue. The publication claims that although the Greek Church has recognized the OCU on an official level, many Greek bishops continue to consider this organization schismatic and avoid serving with its representatives.

“Ukrainian autocephaly continues to divide the Orthodox world! As for the Greek Church recognizing it, it is like the same-sex couples bill imposed by foreign centers on the Greek political parties in power, not the government. This is exactly what happened to the Church of Greece, where practically and consciously many metropolitans do not accept the schismatics of Ukraine as the official Orthodox Church”, – the author of the publication reports, citing an authoritative source among the episcopate of the Hellenic Church.

The source of the publication, commenting on the situation, said that many Greek bishops have serious doubts about whether the recognition of the OCU was correct.

“The Greek Church may have recognized the autocephalous Church of Ukraine, but behind the scenes there are strong doubts about whether they did the right thing and whether they are on the right side of history. As here, external factors played a decisive role in this recognition by the Greek Church for the sake of achieving geostrategic goals”, – the source concluded.

It is worth noting that the Ukrainian church issue, which has caused a serious crisis in world Orthodoxy, has become a constant subject of discussion in many Local Churches. Earlier we reported that the hierarch of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, Archbishop Theodosius of Sebastia, issued an appeal to the Christian churches of the world, in which he described the plight of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and called on them to stand up for the clergy and believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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  • “Можно привести много и других высказываний как отдельных иерархов, так и Синодов Поместных Церквей (например, Польской, Сербской, Македонской), которые четко говорят, что никаких канонических хиротоний у представителей ПЦУ нет. Да и откуда им взяться, если эта структура изначально строилась человеком, отлученным от Церкви?

    С другой стороны, о неканоническом характере всех «священнодействий» представителей ПЦУ следует помнить не только иерархам других Поместных Церквей, которые спокойно относятся к сослужению с ними, но и простым мирянам, а также всем тем, кто сегодня внутри УПЦ думает о возможном компромиссе с ПЦУ.”


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