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  5. UOC lawyers: We oppose not activists or the people of Ukraine, but million-dollar budgets

UOC lawyers: We oppose not activists or the people of Ukraine, but million-dollar budgets

Three Kiev lawyers, together with other lawyers representing the interests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in courts, researched the peculiarities of court cases and noticed too much in common in all cases of raiding. For example, that the opponent in the courts is usually the same famous group of law firms. About this writes Dialog.TUT.

“First of all, it should be understood that the parishes of the UOC are opposed not by activists, and even more so not by the local community, but by a large budget. Moreover, who exactly gets this budget – varies depending on the situation,” – said the lawyers.

According to them, sometimes the main work on changing the jurisdiction is undertaken by the local leadership of the United Territorial Community (UTC), then he/she/it/they get the funds. If the headman or the mayor do not agree, then it is easier to pay professional activists, who successfully tour the districts, or even entire regions.

The third way – money can be offered to the rector or local priests of the UOC, and then the community “passes” together with the bishop.

As a rule, OCU clergymen are not paid. After all, everything is already done in their favor. It is considered too much to pay extra for the fact that you will receive a temple.

As a rule, when it comes to the level of “voting for the transition”, it means that negotiations with the local authorities have already taken place and ended successfully.

Only after careful administrative processing does the actual voting begin. At the time of convening the meeting of the congregation, the initiators already know that their illegal protocols will be accepted and registered, that the police will not allow believers to the meeting, etc.

“Usually the UOC batyushky UOC sound the alarm when already for tomorrow announced the arrival of raiders in the temple with a bolt cutter. But this is the final point, when nothing more can be done at all. It is necessary to act earlier. Because while you are quietly sleeping, your opponents are carefully studying your statutory documents”, – emphasized the lawyers.

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