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  5. UOC accusations of “Kremlin narratives” is not a rational argument – Ukrainian philosopher

UOC accusations of “Kremlin narratives” is not a rational argument – Ukrainian philosopher

Adrey Baumeister, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, has said that accusing the UOC of “Moscow narratives” is an irrational and unconvincing argument. He talks about this on his YouTube channel.

Commenting on the pressure of the authorities on the UOC Andrey Baumeister said that “accusations of wrong narratives, in the enemy some things, in the unworthiness of the hierarchs, in the legal untenability of claims to certain church objects – all this for me is not a principle that convinces.”

“Ukraine must become a free European state. In this state, citizens should have the freedom to choose this or that confession. This freedom should not be imposed on one or another principle, because the accusations of “Kremlin narratives” are neither rational, legal nor political arguments,” the philosopher emphasized.

He also considers the topic of the “Kremlin narrative” a vague veddy under which “anything” can fall, and “it is a very convenient move to denigrate the source” and “accuse opponents of anything.”

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Он конечно молодец!
    Но “Доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры теоретической и практической философии Киевского национального университета имени Тараса Шевченко Адрей Баумейстер” беги, заклюют…

    • Вже ні. Ентузазізм тримається на “цитатниках борцунів”.
      Тепер цікаво- хто виступить Месією, який спасе УПЦ?


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