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  5. Simultaneously with the attack of the authorities on opposition TV channels OCU began another attack on the UOC

Simultaneously with the attack of the authorities on opposition TV channels OCU began another attack on the UOC

The OCU Synod made a statement about its “concern” over attempts to “block and repeal law No. 2662, concerning the forced renaming of religious organizations” that have their ruling center in the aggressor country, that is, the Russian Federation.” The purpose of the llaw in to force the UOC to change its name, writes Pravblog.

First, attention is drawn to the synchronicity of the statement of the “Synod of the OCU” and the decision of the National Security and Defense Council on opposition TV channels. It is likely that these actions have one focal point, inspired by the US Embassy. So to speak, they decided to strike at once in all directions pointed out by the Americans. This is also indicated by the mention in the statement of the OCU of the “publicly exposed” (as they put it) Andrei Derkach, who was included in the US sanctions list.

Secondly, the statement is “programmatic” in nature. The OCU probably relies on the mentioned law as the main repressive tool against the UOC, which will help the schismatics launch the “second wave of transitions”. This is either a signal to the authorities about what they are counting on and expect from them, or an expression of an already agreed signal from the authorities that this law will still be put into effect. By any means, including pressure on the same court.

Thirdly, the schismatics have a hard time with logic, since they confuse the concepts of unity and administrative subordination. The UOC is in unity with the ROC, but is administratively independent. And one does not contradict the other.

As a result, we note that it is not the UOC that has its own ruling center abroad, but the OCU has once again shown that it is a direct conductor of external control by the United States, experts say.

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