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Zugzwang for Phanar, its satellites and OCU

After the head of UOC-KP Filaret accepted a group of Greek Old Calendarists into his structure, the Phanar’s argument about the groundlessness of his excommunication from the Church looks absolutely untenable, writes Pravblog.

“The main and, it seems, the only argument of the Phanariots was the assertion that the anathema against Filaret was allegedly imposed on political grounds.

Despite the fact that in the Act of excommunication from the Church of Filaret (Denisenko) specific reasons and canons were indicated on the basis of which he was excommunicated.

Among other things, he was charged with supporting the schism abroad: “during the inter-conciliar period he continued his schismatic activity, which he extended beyond the boundaries of the Russian Orthodox Church, helping deepen the schism in the fraternal Bulgarian Orthodox Church and accepting schismatics from other Local Orthodox Churches into communion.”

Recognizing Filaret as a “legitimate hierarch”, Phanar automatically legalized his schismatic actions in the canonical territory of other Local Churches.

If the Phanariots and the leadership of the Greek Orthodox Church, which recognized the “OCU”, begin to resent Filaret’s actions, then this will automatically confirm the correctness of the Russian Orthodox Church and emphasize the erroneousness of their actions.

Thus, Phanar and its satellites ended up in pure zugzwang, in chess language. Any further step they take leads to discrediting their church policy in the eyes of other Local Orthodox Churches and destroying the foundation on which the Synod of Constantinople justified its intervention in the Ukrainian church question, ”writes the Telegram channel.

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