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  5. Kuraev called himself a Phanar cleric?

Kuraev called himself a Phanar cleric?

Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev, in his commentary on the decision of the ROC Synod on the consecration of Hierarch Phanar Andrei (Sofianopoulos), which OCU speaker Evstratiy Zorya attended as the “bishop” of the OCU, suggested that the ROC would eventually recognize “all clerics of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, except Kuraev”. One of the readers of “Pravblog” drew attention to the phrase.

“Now it is clear that if, assisting God, Eucharistic communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate will be restored, the corresponding decision of the synod will say:“ We recognize all the clergy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, except Kuraev ”:)”, Kuraev writes on his LiveJournal page.

“Does the text imply that Kuraev is already a cleric of the Ecumenical Patriarchate? It seems that he had already held negotiations with representatives of the Phanar and there he was assured that they would accept. Otherwise, why such confidence? And yes, Kuraev indirectly confirmed the view of the Greeks on all this disgrace with ordinations – if at least two legitimate bishops (and the rest are illegitimate) participate in the ordination, then the consecration is valid in their opinion. That is why it was precisely two bishops of Constantinople who co-served at the consecration of the Bishop of Olbia with Epiphanius. To make the ordination “lawful”. Thus, the Greeks indirectly confirm the inferiority of ordinations in the OCU,” writes a Pravblog reader.

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