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  5. The head of the Phanar plans to attend the election and enthronement of the new Bulgarian patriarch

The head of the Phanar plans to attend the election and enthronement of the new Bulgarian patriarch

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople continues to pressurize the Local Churches. According to Bulgarian media, the head of the Phanar plans to attend the election and enthronement of the new Bulgarian patriarch. This is reported by the telegram channel “Pravblog” with reference to the website ekklisia.gr.

“It is reported about the change in the program of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, related to his visit to the Greek city of Arta in June. The report notes that the change is due to the need for the head of the Phanar to be in Bulgaria on June 30, 2024 to attend the election and enthronement of the new Bulgarian Patriarch. According to the statute, the Church of Constantinople has nothing to do with the election of the Bulgarian Patriarch. As far as is known, earlier Bartholomew did not personally participate in the enthronement of Primates (except for the election of Athens Archbishop Christodoulos), always sending his representatives,” – the report says.

May 19, 2024, in Istanbul monastery of the Patriarchate of Constantinople Valukli (the temple “Life-bearing spring”) held cult events, which were led by the head of the Phanar Patriarch Bartholomew. During the service, the fact of co-service of some hierarchs of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church with representatives of the OCU was recorded.

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