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  5. “Postponed until July,” – the media predicted when the Rada will ban the UOC

“Postponed until July,” – the media predicted when the Rada will ban the UOC

The vote for the scandalous draft law No 8371 on banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church may be postponed until July. Such a forecast is associated with pressure on the current authorities from deputies of the former “OPZZh” and the upcoming visit of foreign delegations. About it reports “Suspilne” with reference to sources in the Verkhovna Rada.

“In general, there is pressure, especially on majoritarian deputies in those regions where there are many parishes of the UOC-MP”, – said the source.

We will remind, earlier we reported that an unnamed representative of the party “Servant of the people” said that at this stage the adoption of the law on the ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is contrary to the interests of the state. In his opinion, this way Ukraine will be able to retain the help and support of its Western partners until the “Peace Summit”, scheduled for 15-16 June and organized by Volodymyr Zelensky, takes place. In addition, it is also reported that the scandal with a possible ban on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has received an undesirable resonance in the circles of the US Republican Party.

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