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  5. “At the end of June”: in the Verkhovna Rada called the new terms of consideration of the law on the ban of the UOC

“At the end of June”: in the Verkhovna Rada called the new terms of consideration of the law on the ban of the UOC

An unnamed representative of the Servant of the People party said that at this stage the adoption of the law banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is against the interests of the state. In his opinion, this way Ukraine will be able to retain the help and support of Western partners until the “Peace Summit” organized by Volodymyr Zelensky, which is scheduled for 15-16 June, is held. In addition, it is also reported that the scandal with a possible ban on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has received an undesirable resonance in the circles of the US Republican Party. About it writes the edition NV.ua.

“For them (Republicans, – ed.) this is a trigger point. They have already repeatedly transmitted signals to parliamentarians and the Office of the President about this. That is, we may lose help if this happens,” – the interlocutor notes.

A member of the party “Servant of the People” added that the issue was decided to postpone, in particular, in order not to disrupt the Global Peace Summit, which will be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland, as well as “not to harm the President, not to harm the tasks that are now in the international politics”.

We shall remind you that earlier we reported that the US Republican Party directly linked the allocation of aid to Ukraine with the government’s non-interference in the affairs of the Church.

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