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  5. Artem Dmytruk: All those responsible for the seizure of UOC churches will be punished

Artem Dmytruk: All those responsible for the seizure of UOC churches will be punished

People’s deputy of Ukraine Artem Dmytruk said that all cases with the seizures of churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will be investigated regardless of the purpose and desire of the citizens who violate the law, and the perpetrators will be punished. This is reported by the Information and Educational Department of the UOC.

Commenting on the recent seizures of UOC churches in the regions, Artem Dmytruk urged Ukrainians not to take rash actions and not to rock the situation in the country.

The people’s deputy also said that after the end of the war each case of violation of the rights of citizens will be considered, investigated and appropriate decisions will be made.

“I urge everyone not to take hasty and rash actions, not to rock the situation in the country and postpone resonant issues until our victory, when it will be possible to deliberate slowly and make a balanced decision on each issue. Too much is being decided on the battlefield now to waste energy and resources on issues outside the scope of combat and humanitarian tasks,” he said.

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