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  5. The Council of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church expressed support for the UOC

The Council of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church expressed support for the UOC

The Council of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, held from May 14 to 18, 2024, adopted a final statement in which it expressed support for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Serbian Church called for peacemaking initiatives towards Ukraine and Palestine. About it reports the official website of the Serbian patriarchate.

“The Council drew attention to the spiritual and geopolitical consequences of the military conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine. On this occasion, the Council once again raised its voice in defense of innocent victims – deprived of rights, starving and exiled – calling on the relevant international institutions to move from words about justice to concrete deeds of justice, mercy and peacemaking,” – the document said.

Earlier we reported that the hierarch of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Archbishop Theodosius of Sebastia, sent congratulatory messages to the Primate and hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. In it, Archbishop Theodosius expressed words of support for the episcopate, clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, stating that the Patriarchate of Jerusalem remains committed to supporting canonical Orthodoxy in Ukraine.

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