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  5. “Already collected a hundred signatures”: in the Verkhovna Rada are preparing to vote for the ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

“Already collected a hundred signatures”: in the Verkhovna Rada are preparing to vote for the ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine continues to collect signatures from MPs in order to put to a vote in the second reading of the bill No 8371 aimed at banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. At the same time, the Servant of the People party organized a separate list, which includes only members of this political force. About it reports the website Informator.ua.

“Parliamentarians continue to collect signatures for inclusion in the agenda of the Verkhovna Rada of the bill on the ban, the so-called Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Already the bar of 100 signatures has been overcome, with the “Servants” collect among their own separately”, – reports the Deputy from the party ‘Golos’ Andriy Osadchuk.

Note, earlier we reported that the vote for the scandalous bill № 8371 on the ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church may be postponed until July. Such a forecast is attributed to pressure on the incumbent authorities from MPs of the former “OPZZh” and the upcoming visit of foreign delegations.

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