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  5. Acting Minister of Culture of Ukraine announced the demolition of “unnecessary” buildings on the territory of the “lower Lavra”

Acting Minister of Culture of Ukraine announced the demolition of “unnecessary” buildings on the territory of the “lower Lavra”

The acting head of the Ukrainian Culture Ministry, Rostyslav Karandeyev, has said that the state will demolish unnecessary buildings on the “lower” territory of the Holy Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where the Holy Assumption Monastery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church now operates. Another part of the buildings Karandeyev promises to make a museum. About this he wrote on his page in Facebook.

“Part of the structures on the territory of the Lower Lavra, which were transferred to the state management, will be used as premises for museum purposes. We will initiate the creation of a depository of museum values in one of the premises. Undoubtedly, some of the “new buildings” require demolition and restoration of the historical landscape. At the same time, individual buildings can benefit the state”, – wrote the official.

We will remind, on the night of May 16-17, in violation of procedures and without official warning, the authorities of Kiev demolished the Volodymyr-Olginsky (Desyatinny) Church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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