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Metropolitan Kliment: Today in Ukraine belonging to the UOC is equal to the status of a second-class person

Metropolitan of Nezhyn and Priluky Kliment commented on the decision of the Solomensky district court of Kiev to change the measure of restraint of Metropolitan of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl Pavel to detention. About it reports the Information and educational Department of the UOC.

“Taking the bishop into custody on suspicion, which concerns his statement in a private conversation on the phone, the frank disregard by the court of a number of circumstances that prove the absence of a threat to society of this man and without such extreme measures and a number of other circumstances, can not hide the presence of certain motivations in the judge, which contain nothing in common with the fundamental principle of the rule of law. Especially when such decisions are made against the background of other high-profile court decisions against corrupt officials and deputies, who are given not arrests and not millions of dollars, but paltry bail amounts compared to the amounts they embezzled, which are described by the media”, – said the lord.

In his words, “it is a shame that this scandal has already become the subject of discussion of the situation with fundamental rights and freedoms in Ukraine beyond its borders. After all, the broadcast of the trial of Metropolitan Pavel clearly showed that the only aggravating circumstance that was worth putting the bishop in prison for the first time in the modern history of the democratic world was his belonging to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which today is equal to the status of a second-class person.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Совок в своих лучших традициях.

  • Ілля Юрченко
    Sunday July 16th, 2023 08:23 PM

    Як раз ті хто належить до УПЦ ні є людьми другого сорту, а от ті хто з таким запаленням оспівують В.Зеленського , от це є дійсно нажаль другосортним, бо Україна стільки підготувала державних службовців з добрим досвідом управління, а хто ж він що дає вказівки саджати поважних митрополитів , прости Господи та помилуй


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