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Lawyer: Authorities need to be extremely tolerant in relations with the Church

Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, expert of the European Commission “For Democracy through Law” Maryna Stavniychuk, in an interview with “Uvaga: Kiriya” expressed her opinion about the attitude of the Ukrainian authorities towards the UOC.

“What is happening today with the Churches in Ukraine should be a serious lesson for everyone. It seems to me that the authorities should take a step back, but the UOC, which is being persecuted quite seriously today, should draw very serious conclusions for itself, especially the leaders of this Church. Conclusions need to be drawn in order to understand that power is one situation, and the Church must always be with the people,” she said.

The lawyer also added that “the UOC does a lot for Ukrainian soldiers on the front line, so the authorities need to be extremely tolerant in relations with the Church.”

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