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  5. Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich: Europe does not understand why the state wants to ban the UOC

Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich: Europe does not understand why the state wants to ban the UOC

Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich on his own Telegram channel noted that the regional councils in Ukraine continue the process of “banning the UOC” in the future under the pretext that allegedly “the activities of the UOC are openly anti-state and anti-Ukrainian in nature” and that the very presence of the UOC threatens the security of the state.

The priest asked the question: “And how does this manifest itself?”

“1. That His Beatitude on the first day of the war blessed everyone for the defense of Ukraine?

2. The fact that the UOC, by the decisions of Synods and Councils (dated 02/28/22, 05/12/22, 05/27/22, and other meetings), consistently declared support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, called for the defense of the state and condemned the aggression of the Russian Federation?

3. In the fact that the bishops, priests and laity of the UOC in the field have publicly stated the same many times?

4. Does the Church, represented by its believers and parishes, help the army?

5. Is it that the faithful of the UOC give their lives defending Ukraine? That is, they die for their Motherland, of which they (the soldiers, as members of the UOC) and their church are unfairly accused of “treason”?

7. That the Church categorically dissociated itself from the Russian Orthodox Church on May 27, 22 and confirmed its independence?

8. In the fact that the UOC confirmed its independence through such attributes of the independence of the Church as chrismation and independent formation of parishes abroad? Note that these are no longer just statements or words – these are already actions.

9. The fact that the UOC, despite all the resistance from different sides, absolutely independently creates parishes abroad for Ukrainians who were forced to emigrate?

10. Is it because certain forces seize churches in the UOC and thereby create a picture for the Russian Federation? Note that it is not the UOC that seizes churches of other confessions, but the UOC seizes them,” Fr. Nikolai said in the publication.

“So where is the “anti-Ukrainian and anti-state character” of the UOC here? And don’t the regional councils, deputies and politicians play into the hands of the enemy by such actions, destroying the unity of the Ukrainian people, dividing it along religious lines, thus undermining the security of the state?” the clergyman asks. UOC.

In conclusion, Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich noted that European religious leaders privately ask representatives of the UOC, “why, at a time when your Church defended the state from the first day of the war and declared its pro-state position, now your state wants to ban you or make your existence in Ukraine illegitimate?”

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  • Так что уважаемые Владыки это и нужно говорить во всех доступных СМИ, а не в своих личных блогах на всяческих каналах, которые те кто против УПЦ их и не читают. Бог в помощь.


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