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  5. In Cherkasy, the court confirmed the decision to expropriate the UOC church into state ownership

In Cherkasy, the court confirmed the decision to expropriate the UOC church into state ownership

On May 23, 2024, the Cherkassy Court of Appeal held a regular court hearing on the case of expropriation of the ancient Holy Dormition (St. George) Cathedral of the UOC (XII century) of the city of Kanev into the ownership of the state. The judges confirmed the decision of the previous instance, leaving without satisfaction the complaint of the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the UOC. This was reported in social networks parishioners of the ancient Assumption Cathedral.

“Kicked us out into the street! What have we done to whom? People went to pray for children, people, for the authorities, for our Ukraine. And how many soldiers died our parishioners! And how many on the front line! A knife right in the soul!“, – wrote parishioner Natalia Pochtovaya.

We will remind, earlier we reported that the ancient Assumption (St. George) Cathedral of the XІІ century of the city of Kanev, previously expropriated by the state from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, stands closed. Now the temple may become part of the Shevchenko National Reserve.

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