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  5. Robert Amsterdam urged the UN Security Council to urgently consider the persecution of the UOC by the Ukrainian authorities

Robert Amsterdam urged the UN Security Council to urgently consider the persecution of the UOC by the Ukrainian authorities

The head of the international human rights company Amsterdam & Partners LLP, Robert Amsterdam, who represents the legal interests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, has sent an open letter to the current chairman of the UN Security Council, Filipe Jacinto Newsy, requesting an urgent consideration of the issue of persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the UN Security Council. This is reported by savetheuoc.com.

“Our goal and the purpose of the Security Council’s discussion of this issue is to make sure that an independent Ukraine that emerges from the current conflict will remain committed to the most basic principles of international human rights law. I am confident that you will find compelling evidence of Ukraine’s systematic, persistent and egregious violations of religious freedom, and I hope that the Security Council debate will give the Ukrainian government a chance to change course before irreparable damage is done to both religious freedom and Ukraine’s standing in the international community.” The attention of the United Nations is urgently needed not only to protect the UOC, but also to protect freedom of religion in Ukraine and around the world,” – Robert Amsterdam wrote.

We shall remind you that earlier we reported that media resources defending the interests of the OCU initiated an information campaign to discredit the head of the international human rights company Amsterdam & Partners LLP, Robert Amsterdam, who represents the legal interests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The website “Religion in Ukraine” published a material entitled “Robert Amsterdam’s White Paper. A man-chapitot”. The author of the publication, Tetyana Derkach, tries to convince readers that Amsterdam’s work to protect the UOC is rather a way of drawing attention to the problem than actually solving it.

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