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  5. SSU detains Metropolitan Arseniy, vicar of Sviatogorsk Lavra

SSU detains Metropolitan Arseniy, vicar of Sviatogorsk Lavra

The Security Service of Ukraine has conducted searches in the Assumption Svyatogorsk Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and detained the vicar of the monastery, Metropolitan Arseniy of Svyatogorsk. The bishop is accused of “subversive activity.” According to the special service, Metropolitan Arseny disclosed to the Russians the positions of the Armed forces of Ukraine. About it reports the press service of the Department.

“The security service documented subversive activity on the part of the rector of the Svyatogorsk Lavra of the UOC (MP) Metropolitan Arseny. According to the investigation, the cleric “surrendered” to the occupants the location of the roadblocks of the Defense Forces in the Kramatorsk district of Donetsk region. This happened during his liturgy. Then the vicar under the videotape gave the parishioners the addresses of the roadblocks of the Ukrainian troops. Thus the cleric tried to veiledly “leak” to the aggressor places of deployment of Ukrainian roadblocks in the frontline area”, – stated in the message.

In addition, the SBU claims that Metropolitan Arseny allegedly justified the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The bishop as if he expressed such a position in an interview.

“According to the investigation, the Metropolitan even before the full-scale invasion of Russia, expressed pro-Kremlin narratives about the war in Ukraine. This is evidenced by the vicar’s repeated interviews in which he referred to Russia’s armed aggression as a “civil conflict”. Subsequently, this video was published on the Lavra’s website and in a local Telegram channel group,” – the SSU claimed.

Based on the collected evidence, investigators of the Security Service informed the metropolitan of suspicion under part 2 of article 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (dissemination of information about the movement, movement or location of the AFU, if it is possible to identify them on the ground). Now the issue of choosing a measure of restraint for him is being decided. The investigation is continuing to establish all the circumstances of the crime. The defendant faces up to 8 years of imprisonment.

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