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  5. Mykola Knyazhytskyy: Bill 8371 is under examination by the Ministry of Justice

Mykola Knyazhytskyy: Bill 8371 is under examination by the Ministry of Justice

People’s Deputy Mykola Knyazhytskyy in an interview with the publication “High Castle” answered, in particular, to the question, when exactly in the Verkhovna Rada may take place consideration of the bill 8371 in the second reading and what are the chances that the vote will be effective.

“We expect that our committee will soon consider all amendments to it. The nearest meeting of the committee is scheduled when a significant part of deputies, in particular those who want to support this bill, will be on a business trip, as part of an official delegation to the OSCE. So, obviously, this issue will be considered in one meeting. At least the committee is ready for it”, – Knyazhytskyy said.

He added that “now the representatives of the majority have decided to submit the bill for examination to the Ministry of Justice, we are waiting for a response from there. We hope that this week or next week it will be voted in the session hall”.

We shall remind you that an MP of the European Solidarity party, Mykola Knyazhytskyy, said earlier that he and his colleagues were working on amendments to the government draft law “on banning the Russian Orthodox Church” in order to make it “effective”.

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