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  5. MP tells what amendments he is preparing to the government bill to ban the UOC

MP tells what amendments he is preparing to the government bill to ban the UOC

An MP from the party “European Solidarity” Mykola Knyazhytskyy said that his political force is preparing amendments, which will propose to implement in the government draft of the main proposals from their bill 8221. This is reported by Espreso.

Among the key amendments, Knyazhytskyy named “the norm on banning the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in our state,” as well as “the need to take into account the interests of national security and the introduction of the Tomos on the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine into the legislative field.”

In addition, the MP promised that many of his acquaintances and people unknown to him personally “said that they would prepare lists of MPs who would vote against the ban on the activities of Patriarch Kirill’s church in Ukraine”.

“It sounds like a threat, although in fact, it is a statement of fact, because our media will definitely prepare such lists”, – Knyazhytsky said.

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  • Больные и зомбированные люди!
    Сколько раз можно повторять, что НЕТ здесь ни одного прихода от РПЦ, а только УПЦ.
    Найдите и запрещайте.
    Томос тот до лампочки, т.к. у Думенко нет законной архиерейской хиротонии и он по церковным канона мирянин ряженный в купленные архиерейские облачения.
    Или в ВР своя вера и свой бог?


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