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  5. “5 years with confiscation”: Court upheld sentence for 75-year-old hierarch of the UOC

“5 years with confiscation”: Court upheld sentence for 75-year-old hierarch of the UOC

On June 18, 2024, the Vinnytsia Court of Appeal confirmed the sentence of the hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Tulchyn and Bratsk, Metropolitan Jonathan (Yeletskikh). The 75-year-old bishop, who recently suffered a stroke, was sentenced to 5 years in prison with confiscation of property. About it reports the site “Vinnitsa.info”.

“Appeal complaints of the prosecutor in the criminal proceedings of the head of the department of the Vinnytsia regional Prosecutor’s office Gozdukh, defense counsel Cherny in the interests of the accused Eletskyh, defense counsel Rybak in the interests of the accused Eletskyh and defense counsel Chudovsky in the interests of the accused Eletskyh – to leave without satisfaction. The sentence of the Vinnytsia City Court from 07.08.2023, which found Anatoly Ivanovich Yeletskikh guilty of committing crimes under part 2 of article 161, part 3, article 436 note 2, part 3 of article 15, part 2 of article 109, part 3 of article 15, part 1 of article 110 of the Criminal Code to remain unchanged. The decision of the court of appeal shall enter into legal force from the moment of its proclamation and may be appealed to the Cassation criminal court of the Supreme court of Ukraine within 3 months from the date of its proclamation”, – said in the decision of the court.

We will remind, earlier we reported that sentenced to five years of imprisonment, the manager of the Tulchyn diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Jonathan (Yeletskikh) was planned to be exchanged as a prisoner of war, transferring him to Russia. This follows from the decision of the court session held on April 15, 2024, at which prosecutors reported that the bishop was included in the exchange fund at the request of the Russian side.

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