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  5. Verkhovna Rada has collected the necessary signatures to vote for the ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, – deputy

Verkhovna Rada has collected the necessary signatures to vote for the ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, – deputy

A member of the Ukrainian parliament from the Servant of the People party, Oleksandr Oleksiychuk, has said that the Ukrainian parliament has collected the necessary 226 signatures to put to a vote draft law No 8371 aimed at banning the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The MP added that they plan to vote for the bill in the coming weeks. He said this on air of the TV channel “Suspilne. News”.

“In order for us to understand that the bill, which will be brought to the hall will be supported by the majority, there was an agreement between all factions and groups, about collecting signatures to get the bill into the hall and was supported”, – said Aleksiychuk.

Earlier we reported that the head of the international human rights company “Amsterdam & Partners LLP” Robert Amsterdam, representing the legal interests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, said that the Ukrainian government is preparing a new wave of repression against the UOC after the so-called “Peace Summit”, which takes place in Switzerland on June 15-16.

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