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  5. OCU hopes that the newly elected Bulgarian Patriarch will recognize their Tomos

OCU hopes that the newly elected Bulgarian Patriarch will recognize their Tomos

OCU spokesperson Yevstratiy Zorya expressed the opinion that the further development of relations between them and the Bulgarian Orthodox Church will depend on the newly elected Primate of the BOC. Zorya is convinced that the OCU has good chances of being recognized as another Local Church, as representatives of the Bulgarian Patriarchate have already taken several convincing steps to meet them. He said this in his video blog on YouTube.

“These steps that have already taken place (the concelebration of the BOC hierarchs and representatives of the OCU in Istanbul – ed.) indicate that the Bulgarian Church is open to following the Tomos and officially establishing full relations with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine as a local church. Undoubtedly, this requires certain decisions, and it is obvious that the next newly elected Bulgarian Patriarch will be responsible for resolving the issues that were previously raised for resolution before the Bulgarian Church. After all, the Bulgarian Church officially established its own synodal commission to study the Ukrainian issue, and until this commission has reported, neither positively nor negatively, the Bulgarian Church has not issued a response to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Moreover, as we can see, based on the steps that have already taken place, the Bulgarian Church is inclined to make a positive decision,” – said the OCU spokesman.

We recall that on May 19, 2024, in the Istanbul monastery of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Valukli (the Church of the Life-Giving Spring), religious events were held, led by the head of Phanar, Patriarch Bartholomew. During the service, the fact of concelebration of some hierarchs of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church with representatives of the OCU was recorded.

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