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  5. In Cherkasy, supporters of the OCU broke the arm of a UOC believer during an “action” in court

In Cherkasy, supporters of the OCU broke the arm of a UOC believer during an “action” in court

On June 6, 2024, under the walls of the Sosnovsky District Court of Cherkasy, supporters of the OCU staged a “protest” during a regular court hearing in the case of Metropolitan Theodosius of Cherkasy and Kaniv. During the protests, OCU “activists” inflicted physical injuries on UOC believers who came to the court to support their ruling bishop. As a result of aggressive actions by supporters of the OCU, the arm of a local parishioner, an icon painter and architect of the UOC Cathedral of Cherkasy, was broken. This was reported by the press service of the Cherkasy Eparchy of the UOC.

“The provocateurs tried in every possible way to insult the believers of Cherkasy who came to the court to support Metropolitan Theodosius, calling them names, hitting them on the head with posters and pushing them. In a fit of fury and hatred for the Orthodox believers who gathered at the court, the provocateurs once again pushed one of the parishioners of the cathedral in the back so that she broke her arm with a displaced bone during the fall. The parishioner is an icon painter and one of the architects of the Archangel Michael Cathedral in Cherkasy, N. Cherniavska. For decades, she has been creating sketches of churches, many of which now adorn the Cherkasy region,” – the press service of the diocese reports.

Earlier, we reported that in Cherkasy, an unknown “activist” vandalized St. Michael’s Cathedral of the Cherkasy Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The young man pasted blasphemous images on the central door of the cathedral.

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