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  5. We will recognize the OCU when we receive the Tomos on autocephaly from the Phanar – the hierarch of the Macedonian Church

We will recognize the OCU when we receive the Tomos on autocephaly from the Phanar – the hierarch of the Macedonian Church

The hierarch of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Naum of Strumica, said that the MOC is ready to consider recognizing the OCU after the Patriarchate of Constantinople grants the Tomos of autocephaly to the MOC. Moreover, the bishop said that the MOC’s withdrawal from the status of schism became possible only because a conflict arose in the Orthodox world on the basis of the Ukrainian church crisis. He said this in an interview with Religia.mk.

“We are striving for a Tomos that will be recognized by all, not just two Churches. Any position that we take in the current conflict between Constantinople and Moscow can jeopardize our precious autocephaly and everything we have acquired”, – Metropolitan Naum said.

Answering the question about the three conditions for granting the Tomos of autocephaly to the Macedonian Church, which was recently rejected by Archbishop Stephan, Metropolitan Naum explained that the Phanar’s demand is not so much to recognize the OCU as to celebrate the Divine Liturgy together with representatives of the Ukrainian schism.

“This issue is not insurmountable, especially given that other Churches have solved such problems in a similar way. No one will be completely satisfied with this decision – neither Constantinople nor Moscow – but no one should be completely dissatisfied either. It is very important to preserve church unity in general, directly or indirectly”, – he said.

Metropolitan Naum added that the Macedonian Church will be able to consider the issue of full recognition of the OCU after Constantinople grants it the Tomos of autocephaly, which will be recognized by other Local Churches. At the same time, the hierarch expects that Phanar will convene a new Pan-Orthodox Council, which will resolve all conflict issues.

“It is easier to stay in the comfort zone and avoid responsibility, but this path will never lead to a positive result. We will have the right to recognize the autocephaly of the local church (OCU – ed.) only after we receive the Tomos of autocephaly from the Ecumenical Patriarchate. If we are truly Orthodox, we must find a way out, especially since almost all of us have faced similar situations. Ultimately, these issues will be resolved by the Holy Synod”, – the bishop added.

As reported, on May 21, 2024, the Primate of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Stephen of Ohrid, commented on the requirements of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which the MOC had to fulfill in order to be recognized by Phanar. Among them, Archbishop Stefan named the establishment of communion with the OCU, which is categorically unacceptable to the Macedonian Church.

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