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  5. Adoption of the bill to ban the UOC will slow Ukraine on its way to the European Union, – religious scholar

Adoption of the bill to ban the UOC will slow Ukraine on its way to the European Union, – religious scholar

Ukrainian religious scholar and head of the philosophy and pedagogy department at the National Transport University Iryna Bohachevska has said that if there are any imperfections in the draft law No 8371, which the authorities want to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, its adoption will hinder Ukraine’s accession to the EU. She said this in a commentary to the NV.ua publication.

“If it [the bill] will not be polished thoroughly, if it will not be approved by the European Commission, it will probably hamper Ukraine’s path to the European Union. And that is why it is being proofread for so long, edits are being made, etc.. Religious processes are very hard and slow, because they are connected with people’s worldview. And the worldview is very difficult to transform and change. But sometimes, like now during the war, this worldview has a chance to change not evolutionarily, but revolutionarily,” – said the expert.

We would like to point out that earlier we reported that the vote for the scandalous bill No 8371 on banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church may be postponed until July. Such a forecast is attributed to pressure on the incumbent authorities from MPs of the former “OPZZh” and the upcoming visit of foreign delegations.

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  • Мировоззрение да, можно изменить силовым методом. Но веру, простите, ни одна власть изменить не в состоянии – ибо вера от Бога!


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