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  5. “They promised next week,” – the deputy voiced a new date of the ban of the UOC

“They promised next week,” – the deputy voiced a new date of the ban of the UOC

MPs from the “European Solidarity” party, which is headed by former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, are not abandoning their attempts to put to a vote draft law No. 8371, by which parliamentarians intend to restrict the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. On May 23, 2024, representatives of this political force held a briefing on the issue of banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. About it reports the publication Lb.ua.

“There is a promise that the next plenary week, it will already be June, it starts with the so-called Church law. the faction ‘Eurosolidarity’ collected more than 100 signatures for consideration of the issue, collect and other factions. The mono-majority said that it is necessary to collect more than 240 votes to be sure that the bill will pass,” – said MP Irina Gerashchenko.

One of the initiators of the bill to ban the Church, MP Mykola Knyazhytskyy, added that the former “OPZZh” and part of the “Servant of the People” are against the consideration of the bill. He also claims that members of the former “OPZZh” “blackmail” the “servants of the people” that they will not give them votes in support of other bills if they approve the ban of the UOC.

It should be noted that the attitude to the law banning the UOC in the Ukrainian parliament is far from unequivocal. Many deputies openly oppose the consideration of such openly undemocratic initiatives in the Verkhovna Rada. Earlier we reported that the MP of Ukraine from the parliamentary group “Revival of Ukraine” Artyom Dmytruk commented on the attempts of his colleagues to put to a vote the bill № 8371, aimed at banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The MP believes that such actions provoke a split in society and are a crime against the state and the entire Ukrainian people.

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