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  5. “They say that they do not oppose the Church, and yet they bulldoze Her temples,” – hierarch of the UOC

“They say that they do not oppose the Church, and yet they bulldoze Her temples,” – hierarch of the UOC

The head of the Zaporizhzhya diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Luka of Zaporizhzhya and Melitopol, has published a statement in which he criticized the attempts of the Ukrainian parliament to “sell” the vote for banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The bishop drew attention to the fact that the whole policy of the state towards the Church is built on lies. Metropolitan Luke wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

“Some ‘people’s elected representatives’ who hate the Ukrainian Orthodox Church are once again trying to desecrate both our Mother Church and the Lord God Himself, through the humiliation of Holy Orthodoxy. The bill № 8371 contradicts the legislation of Ukraine, as evidenced by the conclusions of the Main Scientific-Expert Department and the Legal Department of the Office of the Supreme Council of Ukraine. And in general, this document is illiterate, although the latter is forgivable, because the drafters, apparently, were in the power of demons”, – writes the hierarch.

The Metropolitan added that the government is brazenly lying, telling the whole world that as if it is not going to ban the UOC and does not interfere in the internal affairs of the Church.

“As you know the devil is the father of lies. And today it is clearly visible. For they say that they are building a right state, but in fact lawlessness chases lawlessness. They say that they do not oppose the Church, but at the same time they bulldoze its temples. They say that they do not interfere in matters of faith, but at the same time they directly push us into schism and spiritual destruction,” – added Metropolitan Luke.

Recall, earlier we reported that on May 21, 2024, during the plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, deputies from the parties “European Solidarity” and “Golos” blocked the rostrum of the Ukrainian parliament with a demand to put to a vote the bill № 8371, aimed at banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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  • ⁷ Бог ли не защитит избранных Своих, вопиющих к Нему день и ночь, хотя и медлит защищать их?
    Луки 18:7


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