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  5. Verkhovna Rada deputies act in Russia’s interests as they divide country during war – Amsterdam

Verkhovna Rada deputies act in Russia’s interests as they divide country during war – Amsterdam

The head of the international human rights company Amsterdam & Partners LLP, Robert Amsterdam, who represents the legal interests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, has once again focused public attention on the possible ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the near future. The lawyer warned the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada about the imminent consequences in case of voting for the law #8371, calling them “the best agents of the FSB”. The corresponding video commentary Amsterdam published in his account in the social network X.

“Those who seek to promote Bill No. 8371 in Ukraine should understand the serious consequences that such a blatant illegal violation of human rights entails. […] We act in the interests of those who believe in God. It is you who are acting on behalf of Russia because you are dividing the country in a time of war. The FSB has no better agents than the members of the Rada, who are trying to pass this bill,” – said Amsterdam.

We will remind, recently the lawyer Robert Amsterdam said that the parliamentary majority in the Verkhovna Rada in the near future intends to vote in the second reading in favor of the bill № 8371, aimed at banning the activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

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