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  5. Representative of the Kremenets Reserve: The property of Pochaev Lavra is not accounted for, and this is a problem

Representative of the Kremenets Reserve: The property of Pochaev Lavra is not accounted for, and this is a problem

The academic secretary of the Kremenets-Pochayiv state historical and architectural reserve, Volodymyr Sobchuk, has said that the property of the Pochayiv Lavra is not accounted for, the reserve does not have access to it now, and this is a problem. He said this at a conference organized by the PCU, reports Suspilne.

“In general, the reserve received at one time from the state only architectural structures that are architectural monuments, because not everything that is on the territory of the Lavra – is a monument of architecture. The reserve had nothing to do with the rest, no one gave it to us and could not give it to us, because it is not part of the complex”, – Sobchuk said.

He added that there are many art treasures inside that the preserve has no way of affecting, they are unrecorded.

“For example, we do not know what is in the Lavra library. At the same time in Pochaev Lavra there are weighty monuments of national importance, it is difficult to take them out of there during the eviction. These are the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral, the relics of Job of Pochaev, the structure over the imprint of the Mother of God and other highly artistic things. How could we gain access? Obviously, the state would have to oblige to present an account of all valuables”, – emphasized the representative of the Reserve.

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