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  5. The head of Khmelnytsky threatened the communities of the UOC with criminal prosecution

The head of Khmelnytsky threatened the communities of the UOC with criminal prosecution

Since last year, the Khmelnytsky City Council began to terminate the right to permanent use of land plots for the temples of the UOC.

“In April of this year, we terminated the right to permanent use of 13 land plots. Four have already been transferred to religious communities that have carried out the process of changing confessions. The rest of the plots are still in fact public land plots,” Mayor Oleksandr Simchyshyn told ukrinform.ua.

He also added that the city council wrote and sent letters demanding the release of land plots now used by the UOC and threatened with criminal prosecution.

“Just last week, we wrote letters to those MP structures that are still there, demanding to vacate land, because they use it illegally. If they do not voluntarily release them, we will write a statement about the crime in law enforcement agencies that unknown persons use land plots for common use,” Simchyshyn said.

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