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  5. The reserve “Kamenets” demands from the religious communities of the UOC to vacate the premises of the temples

The reserve “Kamenets” demands from the religious communities of the UOC to vacate the premises of the temples

Director of the Kamenets National Historical and Architectural Reserve Vasily Fentsur said that the reserve is going to “lease for rent” monuments of national importance – St. Nicholas and Holy Cross Churches in Kamenetz-Podolsky. Since 1991, the churches have been in the free use of the communities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It is reported by Suspіlne.

He also added that since 2019, changes in the legislation provide for a fee for renting premises owned by the state.

“According to the procedure, now the religious communities must vacate the premises. But the abbots of the temples do not agree to leave the churches yet, ”the message says.

Fentsur also stated that “in October 2022, the period of additional agreements for gratuitous use ended in religious communities. In order for a religious organization to be able, in accordance with applicable law, to rent a church, it must first rent out the premises to assess the property and determine the amount of the rent.”

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