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  5. In Skulin, nationalists and activists of the OCU tried to seize the temple of the UOC

In Skulin, nationalists and activists of the OCU tried to seize the temple of the UOC

On June 9, supporters of the OCU made an unsuccessful attempt to forcibly seize the church of the Apostle John the Theologian in the village of Skulin, Kovelshchyna (Volyn). The leader of the church raiders, as confirmed by the video and witnesses, was Yury Polishchuk, deputy chairman of the Volyn Regional Council, a member of the VO “Svoboda” party. The website of the Volodymyr-Volyn diocese writes about this.

On June 8, in the church of the village of Skulin, a meeting of the Orthodox religious community of the UOC was held in accordance with the charter, at which about 70 participants testified their allegiance to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the protocol. The real Orthodox religious community thus reacted to the provocative meeting of part of the villagers, which took place the day before in the village club. After all, at that club meeting, the participants were offered to call themselves a religious community that wants to go to the OCU.

In response to the exposure of raider plans in the village of Skulin in the media, the initiators of the “transition” hastened to speed up the matter by attempting to forcibly seize the village church.

Рarishioners did not allow desecration of the temple.

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