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  5. The current actions of the ROC in Africa can be substantiated canonically, – theologian

The current actions of the ROC in Africa can be substantiated canonically, – theologian

“The Russian Orthodox Church has invaded someone else’s canonical territory.” May be. But why is this the Patriarchate of Alexandria “All Africa”? Africa is a Roman province and exarchate centered on Carthage, which has never been subject to the Egyptian Pope. And the Patriarch of Constantinople too. So all this is a redistribution of foreign territory, which in the 1920s was carried out by Patriarch Meletios of Constantinople when he moved to the See of Alexandria. Certainly not canonical.

Africa was and remains the canonical territory of Carthage as part of the Roman Church or as an autocephalous archdiocese. They argued about it long and hard. But there were no Egyptian Greeks there. In general, everything is as usual. At first, some declared their territory that “that lies badly,” and then others climbed into the same place. Tellingly, both equally ignore the heritage of the Carthaginian church. If I were the patriarch, I would definitely create the title of Carthage and All Africa. To remind the Greeks that they themselves invented their rights to the canonical territory. A hundred years ago. This is how I would justify the creation of the Exarchate,” Orthodox theologian Andrei Belous argues on his Facebook page.


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