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  5. The question of judging the activities of Filaret in the Church of Greece will be arch-comic

The question of judging the activities of Filaret in the Church of Greece will be arch-comic

It is reported that the Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church considered the issue of Epiphany Dumenko’s complaint against Filaret Denisenko, as well as Denisenko’s actions against schismatics in Greece.

It remains to wait for the judgment of the Synod and statements on this matter. The question will now be arch-comic – after all, the Church of Greece, in theory, should somehow make a judgment about Filaret’s activities.

If they note that they have claims against the UOC-KP, since Filaret is there, then this will be an official church document where Denisenko will be listed outside the OCU, which means that Epiphany and his synodals who are trying to tie him to the OCU against the will of Filaret himself will be publicly exposed as idiots. If the ChG decides it necessary to consider Filaret as part of the OCU, as Epiphany insists, then they will be obliged to protest to Epiphany in connection with the attempt of Filaret (allegedly a member of the OCU) to legalize the Greek schismatics.

In either of the two options, there is no good news for the schismatics of Epiphany, since in the first case it will be publicly recognized that Bartholomew’s project to restore unity in Ukraine has rapidly ended in a new schism, which now brings problems for other local Churches, and in the second case – personal claims against Dumenko and the OCU that they have not been able to put things in order with their hierarchs for 2 years in a row, and that it is their structure that is invading the canonical territory of other local Churches.

Looking forward to statements and decisions!


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