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  5. Archbishop of the Phanar Elpidophoros expelled Zorya from the USA, – social networks

Archbishop of the Phanar Elpidophoros expelled Zorya from the USA, – social networks

“Archbishop” Yevstratiy Zorya, who has repeatedly visited the diaspora of the Kyiv Patriarchate at the invitation of the previous head of the vicariate of the UOC-KP Viktor Polyarny and John Jaresko, was “expelled” from the United States at the insistence of the head of the Archdiocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople Elpidophoros (Lambriniadis). This was reported on the page “For the Ukrainian Church” on Facebook, where they refer to data from representatives of the diaspora who are still loyal to the “patriarch” Filaret.

In addition, the former head of Filaret’s vicariate in the United States Viktor Polyarny and John Yaresko are accused of spending diaspora funds “for the benefit of Archbishop Yevstratiy.” They also brought to the United States “at the expense of American donors and from those hundreds of labor migrants who sincerely believe in Great Ukraine”, the Phanar hierarch, Metropolitan Emmanuel.

“The guest from Ukraine could not understand the generally accepted picture of tolerance (culture of behavior) in our country. In addition, another authoritative Archbishop Elpidophoros, head of the Archdiocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the USA, showed the odious Yevstratiy at the door of the exit from the United States, and drove these three scoundrels out, recalling the Tomos and not going to bribe the traitors of the Kyiv Patriarchate.

After each visit of Archbishop Yevstratiy Zorya to the United States, there was a surge of misunderstandings among our already few communities and other confessions. As a result of such incompetent interference, we still cannot come to an agreement on many issues of unity, and several parishes were deceived into the sect of Polyarny and Jaresko,” the message says.

“In addition, during one such visit, Archbishop Zorya tried to mislead and maliciously manipulate Ukraine’s diplomatic mission in Washington, under President Poroshenko, by giving instructions as to who should be supported and who should be considered a stranger. Slandering priests and patrons.

Fortunately, the former Ambassador, Mr. Valery Chaly, being a highly educated man, managed to see in Zorya’s actions a malicious attempt to interfere in interstate relations. Thanks to Mr. Chaly’s actions alone, the conflict caused by the archbishop’s actions was used to prevent and prevent the deterioration of relations between Ukraine and the United States, as well as between other jurisdictions. For high professionalism, the entire diaspora is grateful to Ambassador Valery Chaly, because it was he who saved the situation from further aggravation,” tell in the diaspora of the UOC-KP.

Therefore, the authors of the message appeal to all Ukrainians and members of Orthodox communities in the diaspora “not to trust professional hypocrites, namely: the foreign curator of anxiety in the United States, Yevstratiy (Ivan) Zora, Viktor Polyarny and John Jaresko, who act without the blessing of any local church of the world. Let them show the entire US Orthodox community the letter or blessing of the bishop, with whose consent they are now carrying out their “church” and financial activities.”

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