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  5. The OCU speaker on the registration of Filaret in the USA: “This is the wrong vicariate”

The OCU speaker on the registration of Filaret in the USA: “This is the wrong vicariate”

The speaker of the OCU “archbishop” Yevstratiy Zorya commented on the legal restoration of Filaret’s structure, separate from the new organization headed by Epiphany Dumenko. He wrote on Facebook that the US-registered vicariate of the UOC-KP “has nothing to do with the real vicariate founded 20 years ago” by the same Filaret.

“A completely new structure has been registered, which has no connection with the one that was founded more than 20 years ago, and from which no community wished to join the next invention of Swindler. Therefore, despite the attempts of Moscow-friendly “swindlers” – “keep calm and carry on””, wrote Zorya.

It also turned out that the “media platforms of the Moscow Patriarchate” are to blame for the registration actions of the American authorities. The reason is that “they even try to make an elephant out of a fly, when they hope that this will somehow damage the OCU, and now they are actively promoting the message of one well-known “Church Swindler” from the USA Andrei Telizhenko on “government registration””.

Zorya also “discovered America” ​​that “in accordance with American laws, anyone can register any religious organization, provided that the rules of its existence are adhered to. Therefore, in the USA there are dozens, if not hundreds, of Orthodox or post-Orthodox structures with high-profile names of their leaders. (“metropolitans” and even “patriarchs”), with one or several communities”.

For some reason, the representative of the OCU noted that the registration of the Vicariate of the UOC-KP in the USA “is not a single evidence of the attitude of the US authorities to the registered community.”

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