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  5. Press Secretary of Simeon Shostatsky said that the UOC is a minority

Press Secretary of Simeon Shostatsky said that the UOC is a minority

Sophroniy Chupryna, representative of the diocese of Simeon Shostatsky, expressed his thoughts on the quantitative ratio of believers of the UOC and supporters of the OCU, reports Religious Truth.

“In recent months, we have heard from various mouthpieces of the ROC that the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine is the largest denomination in the country. Even some “daredevils” threatened to lead millions of believers to riots against the Ukrainian authorities according to the “Montenegrin scenario.” In order to create at least some semblance of its influence in society, the Moscow Patriarchate held so-called “religious processions” with banners and placards, called for persecution, collected non-adequate persons in the Lavra, filmed touching and “horrifying” videos and much more. They created the impression that their confession is the largest in Ukraine and it is experiencing not just oppression, but real “persecution”,” writes Simeon Shostatsky’s secretary.

According to him, 1 million 60 thousand 238 signatures collected during a short campaign on the part of parishes in defense of the UOC is not enough.


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